Founded in 1979, Asset | Econometrics is one of the oldest associations connected to Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM). This goes along with a rich history, which you can read all about below.
Tilburgse Econometristen Vereniging (TEV) (1979-2008) 
On March 15, 1979, Asset | Econometrics was founded under the name of Tilburgse Econometristen Vereniging (TEV).
In the first years of its existence there were four committees besides the board: the excursion committee, the lecture committee, the mentor committee and the activities committee. Moreover, the association's first magazine called 'Cirkel' was published during these first years.
In the following years TEV widened the range of its activities. Cirkel was renamed 'Tristichon' in 1988 and was again renamed 'Nekst' in 1992, which has remained the magazine's name up until now.
In 1984 the first lustrum of TEV took place, during which our very first conference was organized. From 1987 until 2008 these conferences were organized within the ‘Wim Bogers Stichting’. The conference remained a yearly event of TEV/ Asset | Econometrics until 2016, when it was replaced by the Econometrics in Practice Day.
In the mid-nineties the connection between TEV and other associations became more important. In 1999 the first edition of the Economic Business weeks Tilburg took place, and the National Econometricians Day (in Dutch: Landelijke Econometristendag, abbreviated as LED) and the econometricians sports tournament LEST became yearly events of the National Organ of Econometrics Study associations (LOES).
Asset | Econometrics (2008 - present)
In 2008 the economic study associations started working closely together and Faculty Association Asset was founded. In this year TEV's name changed to Asset | Econometrics and we became part of Faculty Association Asset. Our main language also changed from Dutch into English because of the changes in the curriculum of the study.
In the academic year 2012-2013, a change in the organizational structure of Faculty Association Asset took place, which was implemented by Tilburg University to increase the unity amongst the economic study associations in Tilburg. This change implied a general board of Asset which consisted of the chairmen of all study associations joined by an independent chairman. As of then, the chairman of Asset | Econometrics took seat in the general board of Asset.
On August 6, 2013 the official merger between all economic study associations took place and the structure was implemented as it currently is.
Asset | Econometrics hopes to continue developing itself as it has always done and sees a bright future with good services for students and a good cooperation with all involved parties.