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On March 15 2024, Asset | Econometrics will celebrate its 45th birthday! To honor this ninth lustrum, an Almanac containing all ins and outs of the past five years will be made.

The Almanac is a book that represents the past five years of the association. The book contains different sections with pieces written by our current (active), former (active), and honorary members, and pieces written by other people who have been close with Asset | Econometrics in the past five years, like chairmen of other study associations. Other content of the Almanac include the committees of the past five years, an active members overview.

The Almanac committee is responsible for the design and all content of the book. Since the Almanac is made in honor of our lustrum, the Almanac committee will also decide on this year's lustrum theme together with the Lustrum committee.

Committee members

Nienke Keuning


Patrick Floor

Content Officer

Dahli Koskamp

Technical Designer

Sara Darwinkel

Board Supervisor

Juliette van der Velden

Creative Designer

Britte Kragten
